Um balanço que convence!

Caros cidadãos,

Apresentámo-nos bem perante os nossos concorrentes e o nosso programa para o futuro foi mais uma vez publicado antes de todos os outros. Os nossos planos são concretos e centrados nas necessidades e exigências do nosso município, longe dos slogans e programas partidários.

„Är Leit“ é a única equipa capaz de vos apresentar um balanço das realizações do mandato 2017-2023.

Nenhum outro grupo pode ficar com este mérito.

Apesar da pandemia, da escassez de materiais, do aumento dos preços e das eleições autárquicas antecipadas, o programa ambicioso e de grande alcance que vos prometemos há seis anos foi amplamente executado e, em muitos domínios, até ultrapassado.

É com satisfação que constatamos que muitos dos projectos propostos por outros agrupamentos políticos nos seus programas foram implementados pelo “Är Leit” há muito tempo ou estão incluídos no Orçamento de 2023.

Naturalmente, todos estes projectos têm o seu preço.
No total, foram investidos 48,5 milhões de euros em novas infra-estruturas e serviços.

Caros cidadãos,

Se se sentem bem no nosso município, se estão satisfeitos com os serviços que oferecemos e com os nossos esforços, se estão satisfeitos com o nosso programa para o futuro, então confiem em « Är Leit“, a equipa do vosso presidente da câmara.

Mas atenção: o sistema de voto proporcional é traiçoeiro.

Em 2017, Är Leit teve 10 candidatos masculinos e femininos entre os 11 primeiros eleitos, mas, no fim de contas, o sistema só lhes deu 6 mandatos. Por outras palavras: tenham cuidado ao distribuir os vossos votos.

Apoiem eficazmente o grupo „Är Leit“!
Distribuam os vossos 11 votos APENAS pela lista 5.

Revisão 2018-2023

Os nossos projectos concluídos

1. Ordenamento do território e espaços habitacionais

  • Implementação do novo plano geral de ordenamento do território (PAG)
  • Ampliação da zona de comércio e serviços „An der Kléck“ junto ao nó da auto-estrada A7
  • Reabilitação da „Cité Roger Schmitz“ em Bofferdange
  • Rectificação da „Rue de Prettange“ em Hunsdorf
  • Nova camada de desgaste da „Rue Alsbich“ em Hunsdorf
  • Remoção da barreira em Lorentzweiler (PN20b) e remodelação das plataformas da estação de Lorentzweiler com a construção de um novo subterrâneo com elevador, em colaboração com a Administration des Ponts & Chaussées e o CFL
  • Construção de uma nova estrada para Hunsdorf pela Administração Rodoviária. A pedido do município, foi construída uma passagem segura para peões e ciclistas
  • Transformação da „Rue Jean-Pierre Glaesener“ num „espaço partilhado“ perto da escola central de Lorentzweiler
  • Construção de um novo parque de estacionamento no complexo escolar
  • Aquisição de um terreno de 70 acres com uma quinta por acordo no âmbito do novo PAG para o futuro desenvolvimento de uma praça de aldeia acolhedora com espaço partilhado na Rue St. Laurent em Lorentzweiler
  • Aquisição da casa „Hilbert“ em Lorentzweiler e conversão em habitação social
  • Novo parque de estacionamento ecológico na „Rue de l’Alzette“ em Helmdange
  • Reabilitação e modernização do reservatório de água potável em Bofferdange
  • Conclusão da perfuração para uma nova captação da nascente „Wäissbach
  • Renovação da estação de bombagem „Dielchen
  • Vigilância electrónica da rede de água potável e controlo das infra-estruturas municipais
  • Atribuição do rótulo „Drëpsi“ para a qualidade da água potável
  • Estudo e análise das chuvas torrenciais na bacia hidrográfica de Lorentzweiler para a prevenção de inundações e aplicação de determinadas medidas
  • Construção de um colector entre a RN7 e a oficina de serviços técnicos, com uma passagem sob as vias do CFL, a fim de implementar o conceito global de drenagem das águas superficiais
  • Aquisição do bairro de habitação „A Romescht“ e regulamentação da zona de 30 km/h
  • Reabilitação dos cemitérios de Hunsdorf e Blaschette (Lorentzweiler no Outono de 2023)
  • Duas propostas para a construção de um cemitério florestal foram rejeitadas pelo Ministério do Ambiente. Uma outra proposta ainda não foi aprovada pelo Ministério.
  • Zona comercial e industrial ZAMID no „Mierscherbierg“ em cooperação com Lintgen e Mersch

2. Serviços e estruturas sociais

  • Novo pavilhão para o serviço técnico
  • Aumento da frota de veículos do serviço técnico
  • Aquisição de um camião cisterna para o serviço de bombeiros da CGDIS
  • Aprovação de uma licença para uma farmácia no território do município pelo Ministério da Saúde
  • Instalação de desfibrilhadores
  • Renovação do site Internet
  • Quadro de avisos electrónico
  • Nova configuração do „Gemengebuet
  • Lorentzweiler City-App
  • Hoplr-App (ajuda ao bairro)
  • Rider nocturno
  • Participação dos cidadãos através de inquéritos, workshops e fóruns
  • Iluminação festiva da Câmara Municipal
  • Nova banca de bebidas móvel
  • Máquina de lavar loiça móvel
  • Estações PackUp na estação de comboios e na bomba de gasolina de Lorentzweiler
  • Nova caixa multibanco na estação de serviço de Lorentzweiler
  • Solidariedade durante a pandemia
  • Apoio da Ucrânia

3. Natureza e ambiente

  • Instalação de painéis fotovoltaicos suplementares nos telhados do pavilhão desportivo e da Câmara Municipal
  • Adesão à SICONA (União da Natureza)
  • Certificação a 50% do Pacto Climático 2.0
  • Assinatura do pacto para a natureza e conclusão da primeira auditoria
  • Auditoria „Nova Naturstroum
  • Certificação com o selo „Fairtrade
  • Município sem OGM e pesticidas
  • Mudança para iluminação LED em todos os edifícios públicos
  • Mudança para iluminação pública LED (até 2025)
  • Sinalização das estradas sem saída com sinais de passagem para peões e ciclistas
  • Alargamento e reformulação das vias pedonais e cicláveis
  • Construção de um novo caminho pedonal em Blaschette em direcção ao „Haisercher“.
  • Estabilização do aterro na „Rue de Blaschette
  • Reabilitação de estradas florestais e rurais fora das aldeias: „Rue du Moulin“, „Rue de Helmdange“, „Rue Belle-Vue“, „A Baachlach“, „Op der Lann“, „A Kaasselt“, „Kallekewee“, „Um Sonnebierg“, „Am Dielchen“
  • Iluminação LED amiga dos insectos na via pedonal e ciclável Lorentzweiler – Hunsdorf
  • Criação de um jardim comunitário com uma casa de banho pública em Hunsdorf
  • Progresso dos estudos para a renaturalização do Alzette em colaboração com os municípios vizinhos e o Ministério do Ambiente
  • Projectos no domínio da natureza e do clima (medidas de poupança de energia, acções de sensibilização, limpeza dos campos e das florestas, dia da árvore, acção pomares, mercado local, acção de venda de quintais, „Fairtrade-brunch“, „Tour du Duerf“, acção „E Stopp fir e Mupp“, acção „antigaspi“, etc.)
  • Novo conceito de resíduos com a introdução de novos contentores de recolha de aparas em colaboração com o SIDEC
  • Informação transparente do Colégio de Vereadores sobre a nova linha de alta tensão de 380 kV encomendada pelo Ministério da Energia: pareceres e trocas de pontos de vista com os municípios de Steinsel e Junglinster, sessões de trabalho com os conselhos municipais de Lorentzweiler e Steinsel, sessões de trabalho com todas as autoridades e ministérios envolvidos, troca de pontos de vista e apoio à iniciativa de cidadania Lorentzweiler 380kV.

A protecção dos nossos cidadãos é e continua a ser a nossa principal prioridade.

4. Educação e acolhimento

  • Ampliação do „Campus Jos Wohlfart“ com a expansão do infantário, da „Maison Relais“ com restaurante escolar e de mais 8 salas de aula
  • Aquisição do material didáctico mais actualizado para a escola
  • Projectos pedagógicos (circo „Zappzarap“, acção „clever-move“, acção „Prett fir de Lycée“, LASEP, taça da escola, …)
  • Renovação da horta pedagógica
  • Acompanhamento dos alunos às actividades desportivas (pedibus)
  • Reabilitação e ampliação dos parques infantis com plantação de árvores de sombra suplementares
  • Renovação do telhado da casa neolítica de Blaschette
  • Extensão e transformação da escola de Bofferdange numa „Casa da Música e da Juventude“ com novas instalações para a escola de música, uma grande sala de ensaios para a nossa banda de metais e uma sala espaçosa para os arquivos culturais
  • Criação de um novo centro de juventude com espaço livre para diversas actividades e convívio dentro da „Casa da Música e da Juventude“.
  • Alargamento da oferta da escola de música e transformação numa estrutura regional em colaboração com os municípios do vale de Alzette
  • Cursos de línguas para adultos e cursos de desporto e fitness para jovens e idosos
  • Extensão e reconversão do Clube Uelzechtdall em Lorentzweiler

5. Lazer, desporto e cultura

  • Reabilitação das instalações desportivas com a construção de um campo de futebol sintético e a substituição da iluminação por LED
  • Cúpula para cobrir dois campos de ténis no Inverno
  • Novas cadeiras no pavilhão desportivo e adaptação às novas normas de segurança
  • Renovação dos equipamentos de fitness da união PIDAL
  • Reabilitação do espaço em torno da escola central (novas vedações para os campos de voleibol de praia, petanca, futebol e polidesportivos, estacionamento)
  • Aquisição de um terreno para a ampliação das instalações desportivas e de lazer da Rue de Hunsdorf
  • Noite desportiva
  • Renovação do telhado do Centro Cultural de Helmdange e adaptação às novas medidas de segurança
  • Adesão ao gabinete regional de turismo do centro-oeste, ORT „Guttland
  • Sinalização de vários caminhos florestais em colaboração com o ORT „Guttland
  • Reabilitação da cavidade rochosa „Gourmangslay
  • Prolongamento do caminho das esculturas
  • Renovação do abastecimento de água potável na ciclovia entre Helmdange e Hunsdorf
  • Desenvolvimento de um parque ecológico em Hunsdorf
  • A licença para um abrigo no parque – Hunsdorf foi rejeitada várias vezes pelo Ministério do Ambiente e está actualmente em processo judicial na sequência de uma queixa apresentada pelo conselho local
  • Instalação de uma casa de banho pública com dispensador de água potável perto do parque infantil de Hunsdorf
  • Instalação de bancas de livros
  • Wi-Fi gratuito nos edifícios públicos
  • Organização de eventos culturais e concertos nas igrejas
  • Novos projectos no espaço público: exposições fotográficas ao longo da ciclovia, „Rewind-Remind“, verdades perturbadoras
  • Simpósio de escultura
  • Após consulta de todos os proprietários de património edificado, 87% dos proprietários puderam ser convencidos a manter o seu edifício na lista de protecção municipal estabelecida pelo Ministério da Cultura

A convincing balance sheet!

Dear fellow citizens,

We have presented ourselves to you long before our opposing candidates, and once again our programme for the future has appeared first. Our plans are concrete and tailored to the needs of our community, far from pre-set slogans and party programmes.

„Är Leit“ are the only team that can present you with a balance sheet of all the achievements of the 2017 – 2023 mandate period.

No other grouping can claim this.

Out of the 6 budget bills presented by Är Leit, the „CSV“ voted 5 times in favour and 1 time against, the „DP“ votes 4 times in favour and 2 times against while „déi gréng“ abstained 1 time, voted 2 times in favour and 3 times against.

Despite the pandemic, supply bottlenecks, price increases and early local elections, the voluminous programme we promised you 6 years ago was largely implemented and even surpassed in some areas.

Certainly, the diverse projects have their price.

A total of 48.5 million euros were invested in new future-oriented infrastructures and services.

Dear fellow citizens,

If you are satisfied with our municipality, our balance sheet and our programme for the future, then continue to trust „Är Leit“, the team of your mayor.

But beware : the proportional representation system has its pitfalls.

In 2017, there were 10 candidates from „Är Leit“ among the 11 first elected, but despite this, „Är Leit“ only received 6 mandates in the municipal council due to this system.

In other words: Be vigilant and do not get involved in any experiments when distributing your votes!

Support „Är Leit“ effectively !

Distribute your 11 votes ONLY on list 5 !!!

Achievements of the 2017 – 2023 mandate period

1. Spatial and residential planning

  • Completion of the new PAG (General Community Development Plan)
  • Extension of the commercial and service zone „an der Kléck“ next to the motorway access road (gas station)
  • Resurfacing of the „Rue de Prettange“ in Hünsdorf
  • New pavement for the „Rue Alsbich“ in Hünsdorf
  • Redesign of the „Cité Roger Schmitz“ in Bofferdingen
  • Removal of the Lorentzweiler railroad barrier (PN20b) and redesign of the station
  • Redesign of the platforms and construction of a new underpass with elevator in cooperation with the Road Administration and the CFL
  • Construction of a new road to Hünsdorf by the Road Administration. At the urging of the Aldermen, a safe pedestrian and bicycle path was also built here
  • New parking lot at the school complex as part of the expansion of the „Campus Jos Wohlfart“ in Lorentzweiler
  • Redesign of the „Rue Jean-Pierre Glaesener“ near the central school in Lorentzweiler into a „Shared Space“
  • Securing the preservation of an approx. 70 acre plot of land with a courtyard for the purpose of creating a village center with „Shared Space“ in the „Rue St. Laurent“ in Lorentzweiler
  • Purchase of the Maison „Hilbert“ in Lorentzweiler and the establishment of social housing there
  • Creation of an ecological parking lot in the „Rue de l’Alzette“ in Helmdingen.
  • Redesign and modernization of the Bofferdingen water tank.
  • Completion of the drilling for the re-supply of the „Wäissbaach“ spring
  • Renewal of the pumps in the pumping station in the „Dielchen“
  • Electronic monitoring of the drinking water network and monitoring of the communal infrastructures
  • Drinking water quality award „Drëpsi
  • Heavy rain investigation in Lorentzweiler for the analysis and prevention of flooding and partial implementation of safety measures
  • Construction of the collector between the N7 under the railroad line up to the technical service as part of the overall concept for rainwater drainage
  • Takeover of the Cité „A Romescht“ and designation of the zone 30
  • Redesign of the cemeteries in Hünsdorf and Blascheid (Lorentzweiler in the fall of 2023)
  • Two proposals for the establishment of a forest cemetery were rejected by the Ministry of the Environment. Another proposal of the municipality has not yet been evaluated by the Ministry of Environment.
  • ZAMID intermunicipal trade zone on „Mierscherbierg“ in cooperation with Lintgen and Mersch

2. Services and social offers

  • New hall for the technical service
  • Expansion of the vehicle fleet for the technical municipal service
  • Acquisition of a tanker for our fire department (CGDIS)
  • Approval of a pharmacy in the municipality by the Ministry of Health
  • Installation of defibrillators in all localities of the municipality
  • Redesign of the website
  • Digital information board
  • New layout of our “Gemengebuet”
  • City – App Lorentzweiler
  • Hoplr – App
  • Night Rider
  • Citizen participation through surveys, workshops and forums
  • Festive lighting for the City Hall
  • New mobile beverage dispenser
  • Mobile dishwashing cart
  • „Pack-Up“ stations at the train station and gas station in Lorentzweiler
  • New ATM at the gas station in Lorentzweiler
  • Solidarity during the pandemic
  • Support for Ukraine

3. Nature and environment

  • Construction of further solar panels on the sports hall and the city hall
  • Joining the SICONA (Nature Conservation Syndicate)
  • 50% certification in the Climate Pact 2.0
  • Signing of the Nature Pact and completion of the first audit
  • „Nova Naturstroum“
  • GMO and pesticide free municipality
  • Award with label „Fairtrade municipality”
  • Conversion to LED lighting in all municipal buildings
  • Comprehensive conversion of street lighting to LED (by 2025)
  • Designation of cul-de-sacs with indication of pedestrian and bicycle passages
  • Development and repair of walking and cycling paths
  • Creation of a new pedestrian path in Blascheid to the „Haisercher”
  • Fortification of the slope in the „Rue de Blaschette“
  • Renewal of forest and dirt roads out of town
  • Installation of insect-friendly LED lighting on the Lorentzweiler-Hünsdorf pedestrian path
  • Creation of a community garden with a public toilet in Hünsdorf
  • Continuation of the studies for the renaturation of the Alzette in cooperation with the neighboring communities and the Ministry of the Environment.
  • Various climate and environmental projects (energy saving measures, awareness-raising actions, „Grouss Botz“, „Dag vum Bam“, Action „Bongerten“, local market, garage sale, „Fairtrade Brunch“, „Tour du Duerf“, Action „E Stopp fir e Mupp“, „Antigaspi“, …)
  • New waste concept with the introduction of new waste garbage cans with chip in cooperation with SIDEC
  • Transparent information on the part of the Board of Aldermen on the planned 380 kV line commissioned by the Ministry of Energy: statements and exchange with the municipalities of Steinsel and Junglinster, working meetings with the municipal councils of Lorentzweiler and Steinsel, working meetings with all concerned authorities and ministries, exchange and support of the citizens‘ initiative 380kV Lorentzweiler. The protection of our citizens is and remains our top priority.

4. Education and support

  • Expansion of the Jos Wohlfart campus with the addition of the extension of the crèche, the Maison Relais with a school restaurant and 8 additional classrooms
  • Acquisition of the latest didactic school material
  • School projects (circus „Zappzarap“, „Clever move“, „Prett fir de Lycée“, LASEP, „coupe scolaire…)
  • Renovation of the school garden
  • Accompanying school children to sports activities on foot (Pedibus)
  • Renewal and expansion of the playgrounds and planting of additional shady high trunk trees
  • Renewal of the roofing of the Neolithic house in Blascheid
  • Expansion and conversion of the Bofferdingen School into the „House of Music and Youth“ with new rooms for the music school, a large rehearsal hall for our Fanfare and a spacious room for the cultural archives
  • Expansion of the offer of the music school and development into a regional structure with the other Alzettetal communities.
  • Language courses for adults as well as sports and fitness classes for young and old
  • Extension and reconstruction of the „Club Senior Uelzechtdall“ in Lorentzweiler

5. Recreation, sports and culture

  • Redesign of the sports fields with the construction of a synthetic football field and conversion to LED lighting
  • Air dome for the roofing of 2 tennis fields during winter
  • New seats in the gymnasium and adaptation to the new safety regulations
  • Renewal of fitness equipment in the syndicate PIDAL
  • Redesign of the surroundings of the central school (new fencing of the beach volleyball field, pétanque, multisports and parking lot)
  • Purchase of a plot of land in the „Rue de Hünsdorf“ for the expansion of the sports and open-air infrastructure
  • „Nuit du Sport“
  • Fitness classes
  • Repair of the roof of the „Centre Culturel“ in Helmdingen and adaptation to the new safety regulations
  • Joining the „Office régional de tourisme centre-ouest“ (ORT Guttland)
  • Signposting of various forest trails in collaboration with the ORT Guttland
  • Repair of the cave „Gourmangslay“
  • Extension of the sculpture trail
  • Renewal of the drinking water dispenser on the bicycle track between Helmdingen and Hünsdorf
  • Creation of an ecological park in Hünsdorf
  • Approval of a shelter in the park Hünsdorf was rejected by the Ministry of Environment several times and is currently in legal proceedings as a result of the action of the municipal council against the decision of the Ministry
  • Construction of a public toilet next to the playground in Hünsdorf
  • Setting up of book and multimedia booths
  • Free WIFI access in public buildings
  • Use of churches for cultural events and concerts
  • Sculpture symposium
  • New cultural projects in the public space: photo exhibitions along the bike path, „Rewind-Remind“, “Störende Wahrheiten”
  • After consulting all owners of buildings worthy of protection, 80% of the owners were persuaded to leave their property on the list of municipally protected buildings drawn up by the Ministry of Culture

Programme 2023 – 2029

For a healthy and lively community in the center of the country

Dear fellow citizens!

In November 2022 we have already presented the candidates of our group „Är Leit „ to you.

We are an open citizens’ list again and want to continue with our citizen-oriented local politics.

Our candidates are no strangers and they have not only recently discovered their interest in local politics and were not recruited at the last moment.

On the contrary, they have demonstrated their competence and their commitment for years as aldermen and as members of the municipal council, in municipal commissions and in the local associations and clubs.  In addition, they are all, without exception, capable of accepting their mandate.

For the future, we offer a clear and realistic programme, which is in the interest of Lorentzweiler.

All our projects are in harmony with the ecological, social, cultural and economic requirements of our community. Of course, we will maintain all existing offers and services.

Our community has a long reputation as an attractive and family-friendly place to live with an excellent social life. The accessibility to both public transport and the general transport network are another plus.

This is something we can all be proud of.

We have always been committed to a correct and and open municipal management and information policy.

So we invite you, dear fellow citizens, to our „Är Leit – Talk“ as well as to our information and discussion evening. Here, would like to account for the term of office that is coming to an end and discuss our future program with you.

We are looking forward to your suggestions. Write to and take part in our discussion meetings.

Är Leit


„Leadership means looking ahead“

Our election programme is intended to set the basic guidelines for the future development of our community and set the course for the next mandate. Not all of our ideas can be implemented in a single period. However, it is our concern to present to you, fellow citizens, a transparent, long-term, honest and financially viable political vision for the future. Thus, the Board of Aldermen has already had various future projects drawn up.

Showcase project

  • Sports and Recreation Campus
    Phased realisation of a sports and recreation campus in the „Rue de Hunsdorf“ with a new ballroom, new changing rooms, a grandstand and bars for the sports clubs, a tennis hall, beach volleyball fields, boules pitches, a skate park, a playground and ecological parking.

Most important infrastructures for the upcoming years

  • Create new meeting places to continue to promote and expand community life, e.g. by creating an inviting village square in Lorentzweiler with a shared space, restaurant, café, rest or market place.
  • Roofing of the forecourt between the elementary school and the sports hall.
  • New hall for the „Centre d’Incendie et de Secours“ CIS Lorentzweiler in cooperation with the neighboring communities
  • New „Scoutshome”
  • New „Bësch- an Ëmweltzenter“ in the „Bëddelbësch“
  • Extension of the PIDAL „Piscine intercommunale de l’Alzette“ in collaboration with Walferdange and Steinsel: creation of 2 new swimming pools and repair of the existing one to continue to guarantee school swimming

1. Sustainable and liveable spatial and housing planning

We want to continue our good reputation as an attractive and family-friendly living space.

  • Responsible project management in planning new residential areas according to PDAT („Plan Directeur de l’Aménagement du Territoire“); no urban sprawl and unnecessary expansion of the building perimeter, the creation of cooling islands and the unsealing of soil areas
  • Promoting affordable housing
  • Creating affordable housing, especially for young people , including new forms of housing built according to ecological criteria, such as „Tiny Houses“, shared flats and intergenerational housing
  • Advancing the regional trade zone ZAMID („Zone d’activités économiques régionale Mierscherdall“) in syndicate with the municipalities of Mersch and Lintgen on „Mierscherbierg“.
  • Redesign of the „Rue de Steinsel“ between the Alzette bridge and the crossroads „Rue de Prettange“ in Hünsdorf with traffic calming at the entrance of the village
  • Rehabilitation of the infrastructures in the „Rue de Hünsdorf“ up to the new bypass CR122 in Lorentzweiler
  • Redesign of the „Rue Neuve“ in Blaschette
  • Traffic calming at the village entrance in Blaschette
  • Introduction of a Zone 30/20 in the „rue du Grünewald“ in Asselscheuer and in the northern part of the „Route de Luxembourg“ in Lorentzweiler
  • Redesign of the „Rue Colbert“ and the „Rue Bintner“ with the development of the adjoining land
  • Ensuring the demands and proposals of the community in the redesign of the N7 through the road construction administration and Ministry in question
  • Continuous monitoring and adaptation of the playgrounds 
  • Creation of further pedestrian and cycle paths, e.g. between Hünsdorf and Müllendorf/Steinsel (in cooperation with Steinsel)
  • Creation of a forest cemetery
  • Evaluation of the heavy rain study and implementation of further flood protection measures
  • Expansion of the sewage system with surface and foul water separation
  • If necessary, construction of a 2nd parking level at the railway station in cooperation with CFL
  • If necessary, purchase of land and cultural assets that promote the community
  • Influence the responsible ministries to make a final decision on the suitability of the former vicarage in Bofferdange, which has been placed under national monument protection by the Ministry of Culture to implement social housing for example

2. Effective services and social facilities for your well-being

We strive to further improve the quality of life and safety in our community.

  • Construction of a new hall for the CIS Lorentzweiler in cooperation with the neighbouring communes
  • Centre médical“ in cooperation with SERVIOR
  • Setting up a bus on demand if necessary
  • Enhance communication and interaction between the municipal administration, citizens, associations and businesses
  • Continuous modernisation of the internet site
  • Citizen participation through forums
  • Continuation of the digitalisation strategy in order to offer all administrative services in digital form
  • Prudent expansion of personnel with qualified specialists
  • Hiring of a law enforcement officer („Pechert“) in cooperation with the neighbouring municipalities
  • Designate alternative locations for civil weddings
  • Making the youth centre that becomes available in autumn available to a social institution, e.g. „Femmes en détresse”

3. Sustainable and sensible protection of nature, climate and the environment.

We continue to advocate for a healthy and sustainable climate and environmental policy where the human being is in the foreground.

  • Construction of a new „Bësch- an Ëmweltzenter“ in the „Bëddelbësch“
  • Renaturation of the Alzette on Lorentzweiler territory in cooperation with the water management office
  • Further nature conservation projects in cooperation with SICONA
  • Checking, maintenance and use of all suitable community springs
  • Continuous monitoring of the drinking water protection zones and drinking water quality
  • Aiming for further certifications in the Nature and Climate Pact
  • Support for the construction of a wind turbine by an external operating company.
  • Construction of further solar panels on municipal buildings
  • Further energysaving measures in public buildings according to the renovation concept
  • Further conversion to LED lighting
  • Implementation of the new traffic concept on the Jos Wohlfart Campus
  • Extension of the community garden in Hünsdorf
  • Beautification of the public green spaces with community involvement
  • Adjustment of the opening hours of the green waste facility
  • Repair Café
  • Sensible purchase of municipal vehicles with alternative propulsion technologies
  • If necessary, set up a „VELOH“ system in cooperation with the neighbouring municipalities
  • Demand from the competent authorities that human health be given absolute priority in the construction of the 380 kV line planned by CREOS.

4. Absolute priority for education and care

Equal opportunities start at school. We want to actively introduce children to the new technologies and the world of tomorrow and provide quality education and care for all.

  • Offer of the latest didactic, pedagogical and digital teaching materials
  • Provide qualified free tutoring
  • Teaching a critical approach to information from the internet
  • Professional all-day supervision by qualified professionals
  • Catering for the school children with predominantly organic, regional and seasonal products
  • Continued support of the local family meeting place „LOFT“.
  • Continue to promote forest and nature education
  • Free music lessons in the new premises of the music school
  • Building of a roof over the forecourt between the primary school and the sports hall
  • Optimisation of school transport
  • Safe route to school for all children
  • Designation of a bicycle lane between Bofferdingen and Lorentzweiler (school campus)
  • Introduction of a youth and children’s community council or forum
  • School theatre
  • Volunteer tutoring list
  • Intergenerational projects
  • Purchase of rooms for the elderly care of our fellow citizens in the conversion of the CIPA („Centre intégré pour personnes âgées“) in Bofferdange by SERVIOR.

5. Investments in leisure, sport and culture

We want to create new meeting places in order to continue to promote and expand coexistence in our community.

Phased realisation of a sports and leisure campus in the „Rue de Hunsdorf“ with a new ballroom, new changing rooms, a grandstand and bars for the sports associations, an indoor tennis court, beach volleyball courts, a boules court, a skate park, a playground and ecological parking.

  • Creation of an inviting village square in Lorentzweiler with a shared space, village café, restaurant, shops, a rest or market place
  • Construction of a new „Scoutshome“ for our scouts
  • Extension of the PIDAL „Piscine intercommunale de l’Alzette“ in cooperation with Walferdange and Steinsel : construction of 2 new swimming pools and repair of the existing pool in order to continue to guarantee swimming for schools
  • Extension of the park in Hünsdorf
  • Creation of a seniorfriendly playground and fitness area
  • Establishment of bicycle repair stations
  • Designation of public barbecue areas
  • Uncovering and renovating the wash fountain in Blaschette
  • Drawing up a cultural development plan
  • Diverse cultural offer for young and old
  • Continued support for cultural projects in the public space (e.g. photo exhibition on the bicycle track or in front of the commune, „Disturbing Truths“, extension of the sculpture path, …
  • Expansion of the „RewindRemind“ project
  • Tourist projects in cooperation with the „ORTCO Guttland”

…. and of course we continue to guarantee all our current offers and services

CIGR „Fläissege Fiisschen“, Social Office OSSTELO, CNDS „Nei Aarbecht“, „Gutt Wunnen” asbl, Day care center for elderly citizens, HELP, Club Senior „Uelzechtdall „, „Repas sur Roues“, „Comité de prévention régional „, „Mierscher Lieshaus“, further education and language courses, „Klimabündnis“, OGM and pesticide free community, action „Bongerten“ according to „Plan Vert „, with a consultation of the „Klima-Agence“, subsidies in the environmental field, Subsidies to local associations especially in the field of youth work, LASEP, action „clever-move“, Youth Centre, Night-Rider, HOPLR-App, Lorentzweiler-App, and so on.

Programa 2023 – 2029

Para uma comunidade saudável e animada no coração do país

Caros cidadãos,

Desde Novembro de 2022 que conhecem os candidatos do nosso grupo „Är Leit“.

Mais uma vez apresentamo-nos com uma lista aberta. Mantemo-nos fiéis
a esta ideia de compromisso com uma política municipal à escuta dos cidadãos.

Os nossos candidatos não são desconhecidos. Os seus interesses pelo nosso município é conhecido há muito tempo. Não foram recrutados à última hora devido à sua filiação político-partidária.

Pelo contrário, deram provas das suas competências e o seu empenhamento ao longo dos anos na câmara de vereadores, no conselho local, nos conselhos consultivos e nas associações e clubes locais. Todos eles estão em condições de aceitar um mandato de conselheiro local.

Para o futuro, propomos um programa claro e realista para o futuro, baseado nos interesses da comunidade de Lorentzweiler.

Todos os nossos projectos estão em conformidade com as exigências ecológicas, sociais, culturais e económicas da nossa comunidade. Claro que manteremos as ofertas e serviços existentes.

Nos últimos anos, o nosso município construiu uma reputação como um espaço de vida atractivo e familiar, com uma excelente vida social. A boa ligação aos transportes públicos e à rede rodoviária é outro trunfo.

Este é o trabalho de todos nós.

Sempre nos empenhámos numa gestão municipal correcta, sincera e transparente.

Por isso, convidamo-vos, caros cidadãos, para o nosso „Är Leit – Talk“ e para a nossa noite de informação e debate, onde gostaríamos de dar conta dos nossos resultados e do nosso programa para o futuro.

Ficamos a aguardar as vossas sugestões. Contacte-nos pelo e participe às nossas reuniões.

Är Leit – O seu garante para o futuro


« Governar é prever »

O nosso programa deve delinear as orientações para o desenvolvimento futuro do nosso município e preparar o terreno para acções posteriores ao próximo mandato. Nem todas as nossas ideias serão concretizadas num único mandato. No entanto, é importante para nós, caros cidadãos, apresentar-vos uma visão política a longo prazo, transparente, honesta e financeiramente realista. Por isso, o Colégio de Vereadores já fez estudar alguns projectos futuros.

Projecto principal

  • Campus Desportivo e de Lazer

Implementação faseada do projecto do campus desportivo e de lazer na „Rue de Hunsdorf“ com um novo salão de festas, novos vestiários, bancadas e instalações de refrescamento para associações desportivas, pavilhão de ténis, campos de voleibol de praia e de petanca, parque de skate, parque infantil e parque de estacionamento ecológico.

Infra-estruturas de grande envergadura para os próximos anos

  • Criação de novos locais de encontro para promover o convívio através da criação de uma praça acolhedora em Lorentzweiler com um espaço partilhado, um restaurante, um café e um local de descanso ou de mercado.
  • Instalação de um pátio coberto entre o edifício da escola e o complexo escolar e desportivo
  • Novo pavilhão para o „Centre d’Incendie et de Secours“ CIS Lorentzweiler em cooperação com os municípios vizinhos
  • Nova casa para os escuteiros
  • Nova estrutura para o „Serviço Florestal e Ambiental“ no „Bëddelbësch
  • Extensão da „Piscine intercommunale de l’Alzette – PIDAL“ em colaboração com Walferdange e Steinsel: construção de 2 novas piscinas e renovação da piscina antiga para garantir aulas de natação nas escolas

1. Ordenamento do território e concepção de espaços de vida sustentáveis e de convivio

Queremos assegurar e alargar a nossa boa reputação como um espaço de vida atractivo e favorável às famílias.

  • Planeamento responsável de novos bairros de acordo com o „Plan Directeur de l’Aménagement du Territoire“ (PDAT); sem expansão desnecessária ou expansão do perímetro do edifício, criação de ilhas verdes e afrouxamento do solo
  • Promoção da habitação a preços acessíveis
  • Apoio a formas alternativas de habitação e construção para jovens, por exemplo, pequenas casas, apartamentos partilhados e casas intergeracionais
  • Continuação do desenvolvimento do „parque empresarial regional de Mierscherdall“ em „Mierscherbierg“, em cooperação com os municípios de Lintgen e Mersch na associação ZAMID
  • Reabilitação da „Rue de Steinsel“ em Hunsdorf, entre a ponte sobre o Alzette e o nó da „Rue de Prettange“, com a introdução de medidas anti-velocidade à entrada da aldeia
  • Reparação das infra-estruturas na „Rue de Hunsdorf“ até à nova variante CR122 em Lorentzweiler
  • Reabilitação da „Rue Neuve“ em Blaschette
  • Implementação de medidas anti-velocidade na entrada de Blaschette
  • Implementação da zona 30/20 na „Rue de Grunewald“ em Asselscheuer e na parte norte da „Route de Luxembourg“ em Lorentzweiler
  • Reabilitação das ruas „Colbert“ e „Bintner“ em caso de urbanização de terrenos adjacentes
  • Assegurar o respeito das reivindicações e das propostas do município aquando da reabilitação da estrada do Luxemburgo (RN7) pela administração rodoviária e pelo Ministério das Obras Públicas
  • Modernização e controlo permanente dos parques infantis
  • Desenvolvimento de percursos pedestres e cicláveis por exemplo, entre Hunsdorf e Mullendorf (em cooperação com Steinsel)
  • Criação de um cemitério florestal
  • Avaliação do estudo sobre as chuvas torrenciais e aplicação de medidas de protecção contra as inundações
  • Ampliação do sistema de esgotos com separação das águas residuais e das águas de superfície
  • Evt. construção de um segundo nível no parque de estacionamento da estação em cooperação com a CFL
  • Aquisição de terrenos e propriedades de acordo com as ofertas e possibilidades orçamentais
  • Obrigar os ministérios responsáveis a tomar uma decisão final sobre o destino da antiga casa do capelão em Bofferdange, que foi declarada património nacional pelo Ministro da Cultura: por exemplo, habitação social, etc.

2. Serviços e estruturas sociais eficazes para o seu bem-estar

Estamos sempre a trabalhar para melhorar continuamente a qualidade de vida e a segurança no nosso município.

  • Novo pavilhão para o „Centre d’Incendie et de Secours“ CIS Lorentzweiler em cooperação com os municípios vizinhos
  • Criação de um centro médico em colaboração com SERVIOR
  • Eventual extensão do serviço de autocarros „Rufbus“ a pedido
  • Desenvolvimento contínuo da comunicação e da interacção entre a administração, os cidadãos, as associações e as empresas
  • Modernização permanente do website
  • Participação dos cidadãos através de fóruns
  • Estratégia de digitalização contínua para oferecer todos os procedimentos administrativos também em formato digital
  • Recrutamento razoável de pessoal qualificado
  • Contratação de um agente municipal („Pechert“) em cooperação com os municípios vizinhos
  • Designação de locais alternativos para os casamentos civis
  • Colocação do antigo centro de juventude, que foi desocupado no Outono, à disposição de uma organização social, por exemplo, a „Femmes en détresse“.

3. Protecção sustentável e razoável da natureza, do clima e do ambiente

Continuamos a empenhar-nos numa política ambiental sólida e sustentável que coloca as pessoas em primeiro lugar.

  • Nova estrutura para o „Serviço Florestal e Ambiental“ em Bëddelbësch
  • Renaturalização do rio Alzette no território do município de Lorentzweiler em colaboração com as administrações estatais
  • Projectos de conservação da natureza em cooperação com a SICONA
  • Monitorização, manutenção e utilização adequada das fontes de água municipais
  • Controlo rigoroso das zonas de protecção e da qualidade da água potável
  • Aspiração a certificações adicionais aos pactos sobre o clima e a natureza
  • Apoio à construção de turbinas eólicas por uma empresa externa
  • Construção de instalações fotovoltaicas adicionais
  • Medidas contínuas de poupança de energia nos edifícios municipais, de acordo com o plano de renovação
  • Substituição gradual da iluminação pública por LEDs
  • Implementação do novo conceito de mobilidade no Campus Jos Wohlfart
  • Extensão das hortas comunitárias em Hunsdorf
  • Embelezamento dos espaços verdes colectivos, possibilidade de patrocínio privado
  • Adaptação do horário de abertura do depósito de resíduos verdes
  • Café de reparação « Repair-Café »
  • Aquisição razoável de veículos com motorização alternativa para o serviço técnico municipal
  • Possibilidade de criação de um sistema „VELOH“ em cooperação com os municípios vizinhos
  • Exigir que as autoridades competentes dêem prioridade absoluta à saúde dos habitantes durante a construção da linha de alta tensão de 380 kV pela CREOS.

4. Prioridade máxima para a Educação e a Gestão

A igualdade de oportunidades começa na escola. Queremos preparar as crianças para as novas tecnologias e para o mundo de amanhã e oferecer-lhes um ensino e um apoio de elevada qualidade.

  • Fornecimento de materiais pedagógicos, didácticos e digitais modernos
  • Cursos gratuitos de apoio qualificado
  • Educação para a utilização crítica da informação da Internet
  • Assistência de qualidade às crianças a tempo inteiro por pessoal qualificado
  • Restauração escolar, de preferência com produtos biológicos, regionais e da época
  • Continuação do apoio ao ponto de encontro familiar „LOFT”
  • Promoção contínua da educação ambiental
  • Ensino gratuito da música nas novas instalações da escola de música
  • Construção de um espaço de recreio coberto entre o edifício da escola central e o pavilhão desportivo
  • melhoramento dos transportes escolares
  • Percurso seguro para a escola para todas as crianças em idade escolar
  • Sinalização de uma ciclovia entre Bofferdange e Lorentzweiler (campus escolar)
  • Conselho ou fórum comunitário para crianças e jovensnseil
  • Teatro escolar
  • Lista de serviços de cursos de apoio ao voluntariado
  • Projectos intergeracionais
  • Aquisição de quartos para os nossos idosos durante a expansão planeada do CIPA em Bofferdange por SERVIOR

5. Grandes investimentos em lazer, desporto e cultura

Queremos criar novos pontos de encontro para promover e melhorar a vida social.

  • Implementação faseada do projecto do campus desportivo e de lazer na „Rue de Hunsdorf“ com um novo pavilhão, novos balneários, bancadas e espaços de restauração para clubes desportivos, pavilhão de ténis, campos de voleibol de praia e de petanca, parque de skate, parque infantil e parque de estacionamento ecológico
  • Criação de uma praça de aldeia acolhedora em Lorentzweiler com espaço partilhado, restaurante, café, lojas e um local de descanso ou mercado
  • Nova casa para os nossos escuteiros
  • Ampliação da „Piscine intercommunale de l’Alzette – PIDAL“ em colaboração com Walferdange e Steinsel: construção de 2 novas piscinas e renovação da piscina antiga para garantir aulas de natação nas escolas
  • Ampliação do parque de Hunsdorf
  • Construção de um parque infantil e de uma área de fitness para os idosos
  • Criação de estações de reparação de bicicletas
  • Regulamentação das churrasqueiras públicas
  • Recuperação e valorização do antigo lavadouro de Blaschette
  • Elaboração de um plano de desenvolvimento cultural
  • Manter uma oferta cultural diversificada para jovens e idosos
  • Manter e apoiar projectos culturais no espaço público (por exemplo, exposição de fotografias na ciclovia e em frente da Câmara Municipal) e em frente da Câmara Municipal, „verdades perturbadoras“, extensão do caminho das esculturas, etc.
  • Extensão do projecto „Rewind-Remind
  • Projectos turísticos em cooperação com a ORTCO „Guttland

… e garantimos a manutenção de todas as nossas ofertas e compromissos actuais

CIGR « Fläissege Fiisschen », Sozialamt / Office social OSSTELO, CNDS « Nei Aarbecht », « Gutt Wunnen » asbl, Tagesstätte für ältere MitbürgerInnen / Foyer de Jour pour personnes âgées, HELP, Club Senior « Uelzechtdall », « Repas sur Roues », « Comité de prévention régional », « Mierscher Lieshaus », Weiterbildungs-und Sprachkurse / formation continue et cours de langues, « Klimabündnis », OGM- und pestizidfreie Gemeinde / gestion communale sans OGM ni pesticides, Aktion / action « Bongerten » laut / suivant « Plan Vert », Beratung durch / consultation par « Klima-Agence », Subventionierung im Umweltbereich / subventions écologiques, Subventionierung der lokalen Vereine besonders im Jugendbereich / subventions aux associations locales surtout pour l’encadrement des jeunes, LASEP, Aktion / action « clever-move », Jugendhaus / Maison des Jeunes, Night-Rider, HOPLR-App, Lorentzweiler-App, usw. / etc.


Alexander Frazer

35, Bofferdange

Municipal council member
Primary school teacher


President of the Media Commission
President of the Youth Commission
Member of the Climate Team
Member of the board of the „Panthères Noires Lorentzweiler
Member of the „Fanfare Hielem-Luerenzweiler

Frazer Alexander attended elementary school in Lorentzweiler. After finishing secondary school at the „Lycée Technique Michel Lucius“ he studied computer science at the „University of East Anglia“ and then attended the prestigious Sandhurst military school. There he completed his military training and joined the „Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers“ to participate in peacekeeping missions in both Iraq and Afghanistan in 2006 and 2011.

From 2012 to 2014, Frazer was responsible for the training of future officers of the British Army at the „Royal Military Academy Sandhurst“, where he taught management, leadership and strategy.

In 2015, he returned to Luxembourg and worked in the private sector as a project manager and consultant for four years. His main role was to advise companies on management, drawing on his military experience.

Since 2019, Frazer has been a teacher and has accepted a permanent position at Michel Lucius International Primary School in September 2022.

Frazer has always been an active member in Lorentzweiler clubs. As a child, he played football for the FC Lorentzweiler and joined the „Fanfare Hielem – Luerenzweiler“, where he still plays the trumpet. In his youth, Frazer was involved in the „Panthères Noires Lorentzweiler“ as a group leader and is now a member of the board.

In secondary school, he was also president of the student board for two years.

Sports play a very important role in his life. Frazer is a licensed runner with the „Cercle Athletique Belvaux“ and participates in many cross, semi and marathon races. He has received numerous amateur titles at the ING Marathon and won the marathon vice-champion title in 2016. Due to his sense of sustainability, he often rides his bike to work.

A passionate singer (tenor), he regularly participates in the performance of great works with the „Choeur de Chambre Luxembourg“ at the Philharmonie.

Frazer was elected to the municipal council at his first attempt in the 2017 elections and has since been involved in the Media Commission, the Youth Commission and the Climate Team.

Frazer Alexander is not a member of a political party and lives in Bofferdingen.

Bach Paul

58, Asselscheuer

3 children


President of the HELP care network
President of the „Asbl Uelzechtdall“
Member of the board of directors of the Red Cross
President of the Cultural Commission and the Archive Commission
President of the PIDAL Syndicate
Municipal representative in the syndicate SIDERO
Member of the board of the LSAP section Lorentzweiler

Paul Bach was elected as the youngest member of the Municipal Council at his first attempt in 1987 and was immediately entrusted with the position of Alderman. For 23 years, Paul has represented the Lorentzweiler Board of Aldermen in all matters of local politics together with Jos Roller and Jim Weis.

In order to be able to devote himself more to his family, he resigned his position as Alderman to Marguy Kirsch-Hirtt in 2010.

After Jos Roller stepped down from his position and since his children have grown up in the meantime, Paul took over the position of the first Alderman in April 2022.

Paul is also the president of the swimming and wellness syndicate PIDAL and represents the Lorentzweiler interests in the syndicate SIDERO, responsible for the treatment of waste water.

As the president of the Cultural Commission, he and his collaborators have created, among others, the project „Disturbing Truths“, a contemporary art exhibition in the public space, as well as the Sculpture Symposium.

He continues to be president of the Archive Commission and, together with his colleagues, implemented, among others, the project „REWIND-REMIND“, which is widely recognised far beyond the borders of Luxembourg.

Socially committed from the beginning, he has been the president of the „Asbl Uelzechtdall“ since 1990, which runs the regional „Club Senior Uelzechtdall“ for 9 municipalities. More than 3000 people now participate in the activities of the club. For the municipalities Lorentzweiler and Lintgen the youth center „An der Sonn“ is managed.

As the president of the „Asbl Uelzechtdall“, Paul has also been active in the board of directors of the care network „HELP“ since 2004, first as vice president and since 2012 as president. Under his leadership, the emergency call system „HELP24“ was further developed and the care network expanded. „HELP“ now has over 1100 employees who provide care to about 12,600 people nationwide every year. „HELP“ is also one of the largest employers in the Lorentzweiler community with its „Foyer de Jour“ and „Aide et Soins à Domicile“ services. Because of his knowledge in this field, he was also appointed to the Board of Directors of the „Luxembourg Red Cross“.

Paul has been a member of the Board of Directors of the LSAP Lorentzweiler Section since 1988. He teaches at the elementary school in Colmar-Berg and lives with his children Olivier, Iris and Amadeo in Asselscheuer.

Calvario Diana

53, Lorentzweiler

Municipal council member
Cultural representative of the municipality of Steinsel
Married, 3 sons, 1 daughter

Member of the Cultural Commission
Member of the Commission for Environment and Sustainable Development
Member of the Commission for Media and Communication
Member of the Commission for Roads and Traffic
President of „Är Leit“ ASBL

Diana Calvario was born in Germany in 1969 and partly grew up in Brazil. She has lived in Luxembourg since 1982 and graduated from the European School in 1988.

After her divorce, as a single mother of three sons, she started her professional career in the information technology field. First in a private company and then at the INFPC (Institut National pour le développement de la Formation Professionnelle Continue), where she took the post of webmaster and IT manager.

In 2003, she came to the commune of Lorentzweiler, where her three children attended primary school.

Since 2006, Diana has been married to Georges Pfeiffenschneider, a teacher, and they have a daughter, Julie.

In 2010, she created the Lorentzweiler Facebook group with now over 1,900 members with the goal of providing a platform for residents to share concerns and information. This project was so successful that she had to add two more people as administrators.

In 2013, she took on a new professional challenge and took over the grocery store in Lorentzweiler. Providing local products to the residents became not only her new job, but also her hobby. Unfortunately, her dream of a local grocery store proved to be unprofitable after 6 years. However, instead of giving up, she then transformed her business idea and has since offered natural products in the areas of health, wellness, yoga and meditation.

In October 2022, she took on another challenge, working part-time as cultural officer for the Steinsel municipality.

After the resignation of Jos Roller, she moved up to the municipal council.

Diana is not a member of a political party.

Frisch Bob

43, Blaschette

Civil servant at the tax administration



Member of the Building Commission and the Media Commission
Member of the board of the fire department Lorentzweiler asbl
Member of the board of the „Fondation Kim Kirchen’’
Member of the LSAP, Lorentzweiler section

Bob grew up in Bourglinster and attended elementary school there. After secondary school, he did his basic training in the Luxembourg Army and has been employed by the Tax Administration since 2000.

In his youth, Bob was an avid cyclist and competed in many mountain bike races. This is also how he got to know the former Luxembourgish professional cyclist Kim Kirchen. He is a founding member of the „Fondation Kim Kirchen“, which supports social youth projects in Luxembourg since 2015.

Bob is an active member in the Lorentzweiler fire department since being a teenager.

Bob has been married to Nadine Klepper since 2006. With their two children, Melina and Sam, they have lived in Blaschette since 2007. The family enjoys participating in the social and cultural life of our community. Melina (15) is a musician in the „Fanfare Hielem Luerenzweiler“ while

Sam (12) got to know his passion for football through the FC Lorentzweiler.

Nadine worked in the „Zwergenhaus“ of the Croix Rouge in Lorentzweiler for many years and is a school bus attendant of the municipality since 2019.

In his spare time, Bob also enjoys being a Dj with the „Singers Unlimited“ while being active at various festivals of local clubs.

His strong interest in political events has motivated Bob to join the group „Är Leit“ and support their progressive community politics.

Bob is a member of the LSAP.

Kirsch-Hirtt Marguy

61, Hünsdorf

Physics professor
Married, 2 daughters, 2 grandchildren


Vice-president of the Syndicate ZAMID (Zone Artisanale Mierscherdall)
Vice-president of the CIGR „Fläissege Fiischen“
President of the Finance, School, Integration and Environment Commissions
Responsible for the Climate Pact and Nature Pact
Member of the boards „Regional Musekschoul Uelzechtdall“, ORTCO „Guttland“, „Mierscher Lieshaus“
Municipal representative in the nature protection syndicate SICONA and in the „Klimabündnis Lëtzbuerg“,
Member of the „Fanfare Hielem-Luerenzweiler“
Treasurer of the LSAP section Lorentzweiler

Marguy Hirtt spent her youth in Mertert and attended the classical secondary school in Echternach and then studied Physics at the University of Liège. After her marriage to Siggy Kirsch in1989, she lived in Bereldingen until moving to Hunsdorf in 1996. From the start, the family actively participated in the social and cultural life of the commune and was particularly involved in the „Fanfare Hielem-Luerenzweiler“.

In the 2005 municipal elections, Marguy was elected to the municipal council in her first attempt. In January 2011, she took over the position of Alderman from Paul Bach and was convincingly confirmed in this position in the municipal elections in October 2011. Until recently, she represented the municipality in the SIDEC, SIGI and PIDAL syndicates and was president of the Building and Environmental Commissions.

She advocated for our local associations as president of the local „Entente des sociétés“ from November 2009 to June 2022.

Since April 2022, she has taken over the post of Mayor from Jos Roller.

By profession, Marguy is a physics professor at the Lycée Michel Lucius. Her husband Siggy taught at the „Lycée Privé Emile Metz“ until his retirement in October 2022.

They have two grown daughters, Christine and Catherine and two grandchildren.

As mayor, Marguy dedicates herself with great devotion to her manifold tasks and is committed to the concerns of our citizens. Her guiding principle: a healthy community with modern infrastructures and efficient services for the benefit of the inhabitants with the respect of nature and the environment.

To this end, Marguy would like to continue putting her knowledge, skills and experience at the service of the community.

She finds the necessary balance by jogging through the forest with her dog.

Marguy is a member of the LSAP and manages the treasury of the Lorentzweiler section.

Kremer Billy

36, Lorentzweiler

Local council member
Professional firefighter at the CGDIS, in charge of the operational organisation of special risks and crises.


Center chief adj. at the CGDIS in Lintgen
President of the Commission for Buildings, Public Buildings and Safety
Member of the Commission of Roads/Transportation and of the Commission of Culture
Board member of the syndicates PIDAL, ZAMID, SIDEC.

Billy Kremer was elected to the Lorentzweiler Municipal Council at his first attempt in 2017 with the group „ÄR LEIT“.

He lived with his parents and two brothers in the “ Cité Roger Schmitz “ in Bofferdingen until 2013 . After Lorentzweiler elementary school, he attended the “ Lycée Technique des Arts et Métiers “ in Luxembourg and then the “ Lycée Technique Alexis Heck “ in Diekirch.

His social attitude to provide service to others led him to become a member of the local fire department quite early. He was commander from 2012 to 2018 and is still an active member of our local rescue service.

As an active volunteer member since 2004 with the Civil Defense in Lintgen, he was able to turn his hobby into a career and has been employed as a civil servant with the State Emergency Services Administration, now CGDIS, since 2010.

In this capacity, he has participated in many major international and national emergency exercises on an EU basis and is now the officer for the operational organisation of special risks and crises in the CGDIS.

As a sports enthusiastic youth, he was an active player in the handball club Mersch from 1993 to 2006. Today, he is involved in the organisation of cultural, musical and other major events, among others in our Cultural Commission. As an active club person, local club life is very close to his heart and he helps out where he can.

Due to his expertise and training in preventive fire protection and safety, he was appointed president of the Commission for Buildings, Public buildings and Safety by the group “ Är Leit „.

A dedicated nature lover, Billy spends a considerable amount of his free time in our forests, where he can pursue his passion for hunting.

Since his youth, Billy has demonstrated a strong interest in the events and welfare of his home community and did not hesitate to file his candidacy for “ ÄR LEIT“ to actively support its progressive community policies. He had good election results straight away and is one of the excellent young people of „ÄR LEIT“.

Kremer Paule

34, Bofferdange

English professor


Member of the Youth Commission
Member of the Sports Commission

Paule Kremer is originally from Walferdange. After her A-levels at the „Lycée Robert Schuman“, she studied colonial and post-colonial English literature and anthropology at the „University of Sussex“ in Brighton, England.

There she discovered her love of sport and took up running. However, mere membership in the Brighton Phoenix club was not enough for her, which is why she also got involved on the board of the club. However, upon returning to Luxembourg, she changed sports. She took up triathlon and achieved some success at national level. Although she is no longer active in this sport, she is still involved in the board of the Trilux club and the national triathlon federation.

For some years now, Paule has only focused on swimming. She has conquered both the English Channel and the „Catalina Channel“ in California, becoming the first and so far only person from Luxembourg to do so.

However, not only concentrating on the athletic aspect, she always combined her crossings with a good cause to raise money for the stem cell donor project „Plooschter Projet“, on whose board she was involved for some time.

Since completing her teacher training in 2016, she has been employed as an English teacher at the „Lycée Ermesinde“ in Mersch.

Through her social commitment, Paule did not hesitate to join the group „Är Leit“ to put her knowledge and skills at the service of our community.

In her private life, she can often be seen with her dachshund „Néckel“.

Paule Kremer is not a member of a political party and lives with her partner in Bofferdange.

Linckels Sven

44, Lorentzweiler

Graduate engineer
Married, 2 daughters, 1 son


Vice President of the APEEP (Association des Parents d’Elèves de l’Enseignement Primaire)
Parent representative of the Lorentzweiler elementary school in the school commission
Member of the Building Commission
Member of the Youth Commission
Member of the Media Commission
Member of the „Guiden a Scouten St. Laurent“.

Sven Linckels was born in 1978 and has lived in Lorentzweiler ever since. After primary school, he completed his „Première“ at the capital’s „Lycée Robert Schuman“. Afterwards he studied „Applied Computer Science“ at the „Institut Supérieur de Technologie de Luxembourg“ and received his diploma as an engineer in 2002.

He started his career in 2002 at a small internet start-up company in the field of web engineering and later changed to the public sector where he works as a software engineer in the IT department of the „Centre Commun de la Sécurité Sociale“ since 2007.

In 2006, he married Myriam Maes, a qualified nurse from Lorentzweiler, and is now the proud father of daughters Eve and Svea and son Phil.

For almost 35 years Sven has been an active scout with the „Guiden a Scouten St. Laurent“. He has been using his organisational skills to serve the youth as a leader for numerous years.

Besides his activity as a scout, he is often found outside in nature. He loves day hikes with Myriam and his children, runs regularly on both the road and on trails, and is also occasionally seen on his mountain bike.

Since 2017, Sven has managed the Facebook site and the website for the „Är Leit“ group.

His commitment and interest in social issues motivated him to run for office with „Aer Leit“ in order to play an active role in shaping the future of his home community.

Sven is not affiliated with any political party.

Mersch Arno

71, Lorentzweiler

Bank official BCEE, retired
Married, 1 daughter, 2 grandchildren


President of the Sports and Recreation Commission and of the Field and Paths Commission
Member of the Building Commission
Member of the Finance Commission
Member of the Board of Directors of the CIGR „Fläissige Fiischen“ and the „GUTT WUNNEN“ Asbl
Municipal representative in the PIDAL, SEC, SICEC, and in the CCR
Treasurer of the FCL
Member of the board of the „Entente des Sociétés“.

Arno Mersch was born in Lorentzweiler and has lived in his home commune all his life.

After graduation, he first worked at the „Comptoir Pharmaceutique“. In 1972, he joined the State Savings Bank BCEE, where he was in charge of national and international bank guarantees at the headquarters of his bank until his retirement in 2012.

He was a member of the Municipal Council from February 2007 to June 2008, where he filled the mandate that had become vacant due to the incompatibility of the function of Léon Wietor.

In January 2014, he took over the municipal council mandate from Claude Wolff, and in June 2016, he took over the Alderman mandate from Jim Weis. In the municipal elections in October 2017, a convincing increase in votes confirmed his position on the Board of Aldermen. His election result thus allowed him to continue as Alderman.

In the future, he would also like to put his energy and experience in the service of the general public.

Arno Mersch is president of the Lorentzweiler Sports and Recreation Commission as well as of the Field and Path commission and a member of the Building and Finance Commissions. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the CIGR „Fläissige Fiischen“ and represents the Lorentzweiler interests in the syndicates PIDAL, SEC, SICEC and CCR. Likewise, he is representative of the municipality in the newly founded Asbl „Gutt Wunnen“.

The long-time and reliable goalkeeper of the FC Lorentzweiler has remained faithful to his club after the end of his active time until today and has been holding the office of treasurer since 1986. He repeatedly proves his organisational talent at the manifold manifestations of his club. Especially as a passionate hobby cook he is always in action at the many culinary events of the FCL.

His wife Monique Lakaff from Lorentzweiler also takes an active part in the commune’s social life. His daughter Diane is a qualified nurse and worked in the oncology department of the H.R.S. Zitha – Clinic before joining her husband’s medical technology company in Lorentzweiler as deputy managing director at the beginning of 2017. She also works part-time for the Fondation Jean-Pierre Pescatore.

Arno Mersch does not belong to any political party.

Wagner Fabienne

40, Blaschette

Qualified educator
Married, 1 daughter and 1 son


Member of the Youth Commission
Member of the Environment Commission
Member of the School Commission
President of the FNEL Scouts – Panthères Noires Lorentzweiler
Member of the Youth Commission of the FC Lorentzweiler
Member of the hiking club „Uelzecht Tramps Lintgen”

After attending the Lorentzweiler elementary school, Fabienne graduated from the „Institut d’études éducatives et sociales“ as a certified educator. Since starting her career, she has been able to gain a lot of experience in different social fields. Today, she works as an educator in the „Précoce“ of the municipality of Tandel. Not only in her job, but also in her free time, social commitment is of great importance to her.

During her childhood and youth she was already active in her home community Lorentzweiler, for example as a player at the VC Lorentzweiler and as a scout at the „Panthères Noires Lorentzweiler“.

For many years, she has been proving her organisational talent in the scouts as a chief and group leader and participated in the coordination of the former „Kanner-Gemengerot“ in Lorentzweiler.

After 33 years of activity with the FNEL-Panthères Noires Lorentzweiler, she now presides over the association as president and does so with the support of her entire family.

„To be actively involved in the life of the Lorentzweiler community“ is the family motto. Husband Andy is president of the parents‘ association APEEP and a member of the „Fanfare Hielem-Luerenzweiler“, just like her daughter. Her son plays football for FC Lorentzweiler. Here, Fabienne is involved in the youth Commission as well.

Fabienne finds balance by hiking through nature and in practising the self-defense training „Krav Maga“.

For a long time Fabienne has been interested in the happenings of her home municipality. She is a member of various municipal commissions and is now campaigning as a non-party candidate in the „Är Leit“ group to actively shape the future of the Lorentzweiler municipality.

Walisch Jasmine

44, Helmdange

Care insurance coordinator at „Op der Schock“ Asbl
1 son, 1 daughter


Member of the Cultural Commission
Member of the board of the „Amicale vun der Schoul fir Assistenzhonn-ASA“ Asbl, responsible for the campaign „E Stopp fir e Mupp“.

Jasmine Walisch was born in 1978 in Petingen and grew up in Schouweiler.

In 1999, she finished her training as a certified nurse and began working at the Sacré-Coeur Hospital.

A year and a half later, she moved to the blood donation center of the Luxembourg Red Cross where she stayed until 2005.

She then worked part-time at the Servior retirement home in Bofferdange.

From 2008 to 2018, she was in charge of the day center of the care network „HELP“ in Lorentzweiler.

Since January 2019, Jasmine has been working in Redingen at the Asbl Op der Schock. Here people with a mental impairment are able to work and live.

Jasmine takes care of and helps with insurance benefits (making initial applications, requesting reassessments, making settlements).

Jasmine lives in Helmdingen with her husband Jean-Luc De Matteis, their daughter Eva and her son Felix.

Jean-Luc works at the OGBL in Esch. Here, he mainly looks after employees in the construction industry.

In her free time, Jasmine likes to read and go for walks in nature with her dog Lucia. Lucia is a trained assistance dog and has regularly accompanied Jasmine to her workplace since 2015, where she is used to support the people in her care in their daily lives.

The family often and gladly participates in the social life of the Lorentzweiler community.

Working for the good of our citizens motivated Jasmine to run for office with the group „Är Leit“.

Jasmine is not a member of a political party.