For a healthy and lively community in the center of the country
Dear fellow citizens!
In November 2022 we have already presented the candidates of our group „Är Leit „ to you.
We are an open citizens’ list again and want to continue with our citizen-oriented local politics.
Our candidates are no strangers and they have not only recently discovered their interest in local politics and were not recruited at the last moment.
On the contrary, they have demonstrated their competence and their commitment for years as aldermen and as members of the municipal council, in municipal commissions and in the local associations and clubs. In addition, they are all, without exception, capable of accepting their mandate.
For the future, we offer a clear and realistic programme, which is in the interest of Lorentzweiler.
All our projects are in harmony with the ecological, social, cultural and economic requirements of our community. Of course, we will maintain all existing offers and services.
Our community has a long reputation as an attractive and family-friendly place to live with an excellent social life. The accessibility to both public transport and the general transport network are another plus.
This is something we can all be proud of.
We have always been committed to a correct and and open municipal management and information policy.
So we invite you, dear fellow citizens, to our „Är Leit – Talk“ as well as to our information and discussion evening. Here, would like to account for the term of office that is coming to an end and discuss our future program with you.
We are looking forward to your suggestions. Write to and take part in our discussion meetings.
Är Leit
„Leadership means looking ahead“
Our election programme is intended to set the basic guidelines for the future development of our community and set the course for the next mandate. Not all of our ideas can be implemented in a single period. However, it is our concern to present to you, fellow citizens, a transparent, long-term, honest and financially viable political vision for the future. Thus, the Board of Aldermen has already had various future projects drawn up.
Showcase project
- Sports and Recreation Campus
Phased realisation of a sports and recreation campus in the „Rue de Hunsdorf“ with a new ballroom, new changing rooms, a grandstand and bars for the sports clubs, a tennis hall, beach volleyball fields, boules pitches, a skate park, a playground and ecological parking.
Most important infrastructures for the upcoming years
- Create new meeting places to continue to promote and expand community life, e.g. by creating an inviting village square in Lorentzweiler with a shared space, restaurant, café, rest or market place.
- Roofing of the forecourt between the elementary school and the sports hall.
- New hall for the „Centre d’Incendie et de Secours“ CIS Lorentzweiler in cooperation with the neighboring communities
- New „Scoutshome”
- New „Bësch- an Ëmweltzenter“ in the „Bëddelbësch“
- Extension of the PIDAL „Piscine intercommunale de l’Alzette“ in collaboration with Walferdange and Steinsel: creation of 2 new swimming pools and repair of the existing one to continue to guarantee school swimming
1. Sustainable and liveable spatial and housing planning
We want to continue our good reputation as an attractive and family-friendly living space.
- Responsible project management in planning new residential areas according to PDAT („Plan Directeur de l’Aménagement du Territoire“); no urban sprawl and unnecessary expansion of the building perimeter, the creation of cooling islands and the unsealing of soil areas
- Promoting affordable housing
- Creating affordable housing, especially for young people , including new forms of housing built according to ecological criteria, such as „Tiny Houses“, shared flats and intergenerational housing
- Advancing the regional trade zone ZAMID („Zone d’activités économiques régionale Mierscherdall“) in syndicate with the municipalities of Mersch and Lintgen on „Mierscherbierg“.
- Redesign of the „Rue de Steinsel“ between the Alzette bridge and the crossroads „Rue de Prettange“ in Hünsdorf with traffic calming at the entrance of the village
- Rehabilitation of the infrastructures in the „Rue de Hünsdorf“ up to the new bypass CR122 in Lorentzweiler
- Redesign of the „Rue Neuve“ in Blaschette
- Traffic calming at the village entrance in Blaschette
- Introduction of a Zone 30/20 in the „rue du Grünewald“ in Asselscheuer and in the northern part of the „Route de Luxembourg“ in Lorentzweiler
- Redesign of the „Rue Colbert“ and the „Rue Bintner“ with the development of the adjoining land
- Ensuring the demands and proposals of the community in the redesign of the N7 through the road construction administration and Ministry in question
- Continuous monitoring and adaptation of the playgrounds
- Creation of further pedestrian and cycle paths, e.g. between Hünsdorf and Müllendorf/Steinsel (in cooperation with Steinsel)
- Creation of a forest cemetery
- Evaluation of the heavy rain study and implementation of further flood protection measures
- Expansion of the sewage system with surface and foul water separation
- If necessary, construction of a 2nd parking level at the railway station in cooperation with CFL
- If necessary, purchase of land and cultural assets that promote the community
- Influence the responsible ministries to make a final decision on the suitability of the former vicarage in Bofferdange, which has been placed under national monument protection by the Ministry of Culture to implement social housing for example
2. Effective services and social facilities for your well-being
We strive to further improve the quality of life and safety in our community.
- Construction of a new hall for the CIS Lorentzweiler in cooperation with the neighbouring communes
- „Centre médical“ in cooperation with SERVIOR
- Setting up a bus on demand if necessary
- Enhance communication and interaction between the municipal administration, citizens, associations and businesses
- Continuous modernisation of the internet site
- Citizen participation through forums
- Continuation of the digitalisation strategy in order to offer all administrative services in digital form
- Prudent expansion of personnel with qualified specialists
- Hiring of a law enforcement officer („Pechert“) in cooperation with the neighbouring municipalities
- Designate alternative locations for civil weddings
- Making the youth centre that becomes available in autumn available to a social institution, e.g. „Femmes en détresse”
3. Sustainable and sensible protection of nature, climate and the environment.
We continue to advocate for a healthy and sustainable climate and environmental policy where the human being is in the foreground.
- Construction of a new „Bësch- an Ëmweltzenter“ in the „Bëddelbësch“
- Renaturation of the Alzette on Lorentzweiler territory in cooperation with the water management office
- Further nature conservation projects in cooperation with SICONA
- Checking, maintenance and use of all suitable community springs
- Continuous monitoring of the drinking water protection zones and drinking water quality
- Aiming for further certifications in the Nature and Climate Pact
- Support for the construction of a wind turbine by an external operating company.
- Construction of further solar panels on municipal buildings
- Further energy–saving measures in public buildings according to the renovation concept
- Further conversion to LED lighting
- Implementation of the new traffic concept on the Jos Wohlfart Campus
- Extension of the community garden in Hünsdorf
- Beautification of the public green spaces with community involvement
- Adjustment of the opening hours of the green waste facility
- Repair Café
- Sensible purchase of municipal vehicles with alternative propulsion technologies
- If necessary, set up a „VELOH“ system in cooperation with the neighbouring municipalities
- Demand from the competent authorities that human health be given absolute priority in the construction of the 380 kV line planned by CREOS.
4. Absolute priority for education and care
Equal opportunities start at school. We want to actively introduce children to the new technologies and the world of tomorrow and provide quality education and care for all.
- Offer of the latest didactic, pedagogical and digital teaching materials
- Provide qualified free tutoring
- Teaching a critical approach to information from the internet
- Professional all-day supervision by qualified professionals
- Catering for the school children with predominantly organic, regional and seasonal products
- Continued support of the local family meeting place „LOFT“.
- Continue to promote forest and nature education
- Free music lessons in the new premises of the music school
- Building of a roof over the forecourt between the primary school and the sports hall
- Optimisation of school transport
- Safe route to school for all children
- Designation of a bicycle lane between Bofferdingen and Lorentzweiler (school campus)
- Introduction of a youth and children’s community council or forum
- School theatre
- Volunteer tutoring list
- Intergenerational projects
- Purchase of rooms for the elderly care of our fellow citizens in the conversion of the CIPA („Centre intégré pour personnes âgées“) in Bofferdange by SERVIOR.
5. Investments in leisure, sport and culture
We want to create new meeting places in order to continue to promote and expand coexistence in our community.
Phased realisation of a sports and leisure campus in the „Rue de Hunsdorf“ with a new ballroom, new changing rooms, a grandstand and bars for the sports associations, an indoor tennis court, beach volleyball courts, a boules court, a skate park, a playground and ecological parking.
- Creation of an inviting village square in Lorentzweiler with a shared space, village café, restaurant, shops, a rest or market place
- Construction of a new „Scoutshome“ for our scouts
- Extension of the PIDAL „Piscine intercommunale de l’Alzette“ in cooperation with Walferdange and Steinsel : construction of 2 new swimming pools and repair of the existing pool in order to continue to guarantee swimming for schools
- Extension of the park in Hünsdorf
- Creation of a senior–friendly playground and fitness area
- Establishment of bicycle repair stations
- Designation of public barbecue areas
- Uncovering and renovating the wash fountain in Blaschette
- Drawing up a cultural development plan
- Diverse cultural offer for young and old
- Continued support for cultural projects in the public space (e.g. photo exhibition on the bicycle track or in front of the commune, „Disturbing Truths“, extension of the sculpture path, …
- Expansion of the „Rewind–Remind“ project
- Tourist projects in cooperation with the „ORTCO Guttland”
…. and of course we continue to guarantee all our current offers and services
CIGR „Fläissege Fiisschen“, Social Office OSSTELO, CNDS „Nei Aarbecht“, „Gutt Wunnen” asbl, Day care center for elderly citizens, HELP, Club Senior „Uelzechtdall „, „Repas sur Roues“, „Comité de prévention régional „, „Mierscher Lieshaus“, further education and language courses, „Klimabündnis“, OGM and pesticide free community, action „Bongerten“ according to „Plan Vert „, with a consultation of the „Klima-Agence“, subsidies in the environmental field, Subsidies to local associations especially in the field of youth work, LASEP, action „clever-move“, Youth Centre, Night-Rider, HOPLR-App, Lorentzweiler-App, and so on.